The value of vintage gear

I often see on my social media posts comments about the pricing of our vintage gear. Typically, the comment is about the cost, being too high. Let us take a moment to discuss the way Stereo Lab prices equipment.

Like any collectible, there is a market price. This price can be determined several ways. There is the Audiogon Blue Book which we subscribe to, the website Hifi Shark, and an eBay service called Terapeak. These sites scrape sold pricing from the internet allowing us to base pricing on an average. In addition to understanding a market price, we take into account what was done to the piece to make it ready to sell, and what we have in it, as all of our used inventory is curated by hand and not simply “left over by repair customers”.

When we sell a piece is has been cleaned and polished, serviced inside and out, and carries a 90 day warranty. You also get to speak to a real person (usually me, the owner) about your piece and if there are problems we can walk you through them to achieve an enjoyable result. Try that online. Yes we have overhead with a brick an mortar store and we need to price that into what we sell, but the ability to see, feel and most importantly hear a vintage piece before you buy it makes it all worth it.

Our mission at the Stereo Lab is to continue the 50 year tradition in Columbus, Ohio that Stereo Lab brings, to repair your treasured pieces and to sell gear that will keep providing enjoyment for many years to come. Come visit today and see what a true vintage audio experience looks like.


We buy gear

At Stereo Lab, we frequently purchase used gear. In fact, we cannot do this without the downsizing people, estate sales, auctions etc. Much of our quality used inventory comes from regular folks who are upgrading their audio, moving to a smaller space or simply hate to throw anything away. We are always seeking pre-1980 silver face home audio. We will entertain any vintage piece but focus primarily on the older gear with the 1970’s being the prime era.

We are on top of what this stuff is worth in real terms in our market. Remember that eBay is not a good indicator of price since an eBay seller can charge whatever they think they can get and many times post very high and unreasonable numbers. We make offers every day based on experience and tools such as Hifi Shark, Audiogon Blue Book, and Terapeak (eBay sold price aggregator). We work very hard to offer fair pricing. Remember, we are retailers and cannot pay retail prices for a piece we need to sell. We are not in this to cheat anyone, nor are we trying to get your heirlooms for cheap. If you still love the piece, it belongs with you. Period.

When you are ready to unload some of your gear to pass it down the line for someone else to enjoy, the best way is to send us photos via email. Send them to Another way that some customers choose, is to bring the items by the shop and let us see them. We often make an offer right away.

When we buy a used piece it gets some time on the bench. We hook it up to our test equipment and run it through its paces. All of our used gear is tested, repaired if needed, and given general maintenance. We replace parts that are known to fail and of course we give it our famous clean and detail so it looks as good as possible. These pieces are then offered for sale.

Our pricing is based on several factors. What did we pay for it? How much work / parts went into restoration? What is the average market value?

When you have stuff to sell for whatever reason, think Stereo Lab. Stereo Lab, 4538 Indianola, Ave. Columbus, OH. COME GET SOME TONE!

Basic Questions we Hear All The Time

We are here to help our customers learn about audio and specifically vintage audio, since there are things that have to happen to get the most from your system. We pride ourselves on being educators as well as technicians. Below are a sample of questions we answer on a daily basis.

Why does the turntable I just bought from you sound so bad?

Usually this is because you just bought a brand new modern piece. We sell TEAC turntables and every model we sell comes with an onboard phono pre-amp. This is because many modern amps do not have an onboard phono pre. The signal from your turntable cartridge is very small, there is not enough signal there for the amp to work with. If you are listening to a record on a piece with no pre-amp it will sound very far away or you may need to turn the amp all the way up to hear anything. Vintage amplifiers and receivers all have phono pre-amps on board. The idea was you were going to take the piece home and connect a turntable to it. Modern A/V systems many times do not have one. Thus the built in preamp on the new turntable. On the back of the piece there is a switch, this switch says “line / Through” or On/ Off either way, switch this to “Through” or “off” and it will sound correct again. What is happening is the pre amp on board the piece is overdriving the preamp onboard your vintage piece.

Why does it take so long to repair my stereo?

Our wait time is typically 8-10 weeks. We operate on a skills based system, so your piece may take longer or not depending on the repair. For instance I (Scott) am very good at Marantz receivers, I may pick one up at any time even though it is not next chronologically. Additionally, we have a tech that is very good at turntables, and another that only works on the antique gear. Sometimes all 4 technicians get stuck on a piece at once. This is NOT a cookie cutter business. Every piece is different with a different history and different problems. While in general there are similarities, each piece is unique. We work hard to repair a piece efficiently and in a reasonable amount of time but if your piece is taking a bit longer, please be patient. I assure you, we are doing our best.

Are you related to the Stereo Lab on Neil Ave. ?

In 1970 the original Stereo Lab was located on Neil Ave. near campus. The original store was referred to as Andersons Stereo Lab. In the 1980’s the business was sold to a group of investors that eventually turned it into a seven store retail chain. There was a maximum of 4 locations in Columbus, two in Cincinnati and one in Wheeling. In 1996 the chain closed, and three guys from the service department started Stereo Lab Service. Our current location is in the same spot as that store. Fast forward to 2019, I bought Stereo Lab Service and changed the name back to Stereo Lab to take advantage of an iconic name in Columbus for 50 years. We still have one of those service techs. Our friend and senior tech Joe is still here and still helping our customers get the most out of their gear. We are still primarily a repair shop but sell used vintage gear that has been inspected, repaired, cleaned and carries a 90 warranty. Our retail space was leased in 2022 and we expanded into a fun destination for the vintage audio enthusiast.

Do You Buy Used Gear?

We buy gear all the time, but we are a little picky. We can only buy what we can service and sell. If your piece is big, silver and heavy, we probably are very interested. We work hard to offer fair pricing but keep in mind that we are retailers and will need to go through your piece before we can sell it with a warranty. We are not going to offer high eBay prices but once again we will be fair with you. Your best avenue to sell your used gear is to bring it by the shop and let us get eyes on it, we can then usually make an offer on the spot. Conversely, you can shoot photos and send them to .

The piece you just repaired still sounds bad! What is happening?

First off, relax, you have a 90 day warranty. When we send a piece home it has been thoroughly tested and is ready to enjoy. We will never knowingly send a piece out of here that is not passing its tests. However the stuff is old, sometimes when we fix something, another component is suddenly getting voltage to it and soon it breaks too. While technically this is not part of the original repair, we will typically fix it under warranty anyway. We also find that somewhere around 80% of our call backs are related to user error. We are here to educate, so do not hesitate to let us know what you are experiencing and how we can help. Also cables and connectors are so important. We sell higher end cables but also give away some nice cables upon request. We find that offering new cables is a great way to avoid problems. Always look for another issue, there a many parts that need to come together to make your music sound good. Is it your cables? Is it your turntable (or other source)? What about speakers? We are here for you regardless, we are happy to help.

Another typical problem is dirt. We say dirt is the devil around here. Dirt in potentiometers and switches cause many problems. We disassemble the piece so we can get to the parts needing cleaned, we use commercial contact cleaner and then dress with a quality deoxidizing product. Sometimes dirt will work back into a switch or pot that has already been cleaned, this is fairly common but an easy fix.

Where are you located?

We hear this one all the time. Our hours and location are well publicized online but here it is again.

4538 Indianola, Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43214

This is about half a mile south of Morse Rd. Just two turns off I 71 in Columbus.

Open Monday through Friday 10 – 6 and Saturday 10-3

Playing Records on Line Level Gear

Many people purchased modern home theater gear in the past 30 years . These pieces were designed to be everything to everyone. They have HDMI ports, will interface with a computer, will decode your movies and streaming into dramatic theater like surround sound. One thing the manufacturers forgot however was to include a phono pre-amp.

Most vintage gear have a small preamp onboard, many times a very good preamp at that. The signal from your stylus on the vinyl record is very, very small. This signal must be boosted or “pre amplified” before it hits your main amp. This is to give your amp something to work with. Thus, if your receiver or amp is lacking a preamp, your music will sound very far away or very weak even when turned all the way up. We often see this when people attempt to plug a turntable into a home theater amp with no phono input.

Many modern turntables are now being built with on board pre-amps, these are very small digital amps that will turn your turntables signal into what we call line level. This signal is strong enough for the amp to amplify normally. If you wish to use a vintage turntable with a more modern piece, one without an onboard pre, you will need to purchase an outboard phono pre-amp. Stereo Lab stocks both new turntables with preamps onboard and stand alone preamps.

Conversely, if you attempt to use a newer turntable with an onboard amp with a vintage amplifier that already has one, you will overdrive the existing preamp and your sound will be very distorted and loud. If this condition exists, simply turn off the pre onboard the turntable and all will be right in the world.

The Turntable in The Attic

At the Stereo Lab, we specialize in repairing vintage turntables, but did you know that we sell needles and cartridges? We also do something called a Turntable Tune Up, on Tuesdays (or nearly anytime) bring your turntable to the shop at 4538 Indianola, Ave. Columbus, Ohio, we will check the cables, the cartridge, the needle and the speed for free while you wait. Many times the piece does not have to stay here for service. If we can sell you a belt or a needle and send you happily on your way with a functioning piece.

I know you can buy a cart or a needle online but if you purchase from me you get a real person to answer your questions, and free install. We also adjust tracking force and anti skate. Try that online.

We see a lot of turntables that do need to come in for service. They have been in attics and basements for decades and with the resurgence in vinyl, we are seeing these pieces come into the shop in increasing numbers. Most turntables can be repaired; however some are simply too inexpensively made to be economical to repair. This is where we can advise you on a new piece, as we sell brand new TEAC turntables along with a selection of used turntables.

Additionally, we have a record store directly next to our store. While we are not affiliated, we are friends and I highly recommend Lovelight Records and Art. Check them out after you shop us.

Repairing the good stuff

At the Stereo Lab, we primarily work on gear built before 1980. This era from the late 1950’s till the early 80’s were the golden years of consumer home audio. While expensive and experimental gear existed, much as it does today, it was during this time that everyman could afford a home stereo. In a previous article I discussed how manufacturing and cost drove the design of gear into the late 20th century till today. In this post, I will discuss some of the differences.

Quality of parts. In older gear, the parts are larger and far more robust. Take for example a simple volume potentiometer, today they are digital, or about the size of your thumbnail. They are hard to clean and if the unit is using tac switches and chips then cleaning a volume control is largely out of the question. Another example is transformers, power transformers were once big, heavy iron things that could take decades of use and continue to function for a very long time, perhaps into the century mark. More modern gear simply does not meet that build quality standard.

The idea back then was if your piece broke, you could take it to a repair shop like Stereo Lab and have it fixed, which we still do today, but later the idea was if your piece broke you would throw it away and buy another one. This type of throw away mentality is not good for you, me or the environment.

Board level vs. Component repair. When you purchased your home theater system from the big box store, you were given a 1 year manufacturers warranty, (if you filled out and sent the warranty card). During this time, if your piece failed, you could call the number provided and given instructions on what to do. They would direct you to a service station somewhere, usually not close to you, and you would ship the piece to them. Once at the service facility a tech would replace the entire board the offending part was likely to be on. Another scenario is they would simply send you a new unit. After your warranty was up, the giant corporation that made your piece no longer has your board and you will be forced to buy a new unit. At the Stereo Lab we are able to identify and repair discreet parts on the older designs. This is why we sometimes reject a piece for repair, because it was not made to be repaired.

We love this older gear, it was built well, sounds great and can be fixed. Come see what we can do for you today.

The Case for Vintage

At the Stereo Lab, we get asked frequently why someone should pay $1000 or more for a 50 year old stereo system. The answer is multi faceted. In the 1970’s Japanese audio companies were competing fiercely for every dollar and they built very nice, very robust and very good sounding gear. We hear about the “wattage” wars that raged throughout the 1970’s by brands like Marantz, Pioneer, Sansui and Kenwood, each trying to outdo the other in terms of raw power, total harmonic distortion numbers and every other measure. This competition allowed for some great product.

Today these pieces have withstood the test of time and are still providing joy to music lovers all over the world. A vintage piece can be fixed, usually, this is because the design was such that discreet parts could be identified and replaced if faulty. The idea was, if your piece broke, it could be repaired by a trained technician. Starting about 1980 the manufacturers began to make parts and designs that maximized profit over durability or audio fidelity. Then came the semi conductor revolution, computer chips began to be the norm for powering and controlling consumer audio gear. This allowed for the home theater system to be born. The 5.2 system was two main speakers, two rear speakers, a center channel and a subwoofer. This system requires computers to decode the surround sound signal. Combine this with a general trend toward cheaper builds and compromises on sound quality and you have an entire generation of consumer audio gear that is not aging well at all. Typically these pieces are black as opposed to silver and have tac switches instead of large pots and controls etc.

We also get asked what the best sounding gear is today. For the money vintage is the way to go, dollar for dollar and pound for pound vintage gear sounds fantastic, has great statistics and will continue to delight for years to come. However, if you want to jump into the high end audiophile pool, there are any number of very expensive brands and styles to choose from. We are talking tens of thousands of dollars in some cases. We are not that type of dealer, we occasionally get a very high end brand but mostly we focus on the good stuff from the era when a regular person could afford and enjoy fabulous sound at home.

Be sure to visit Stereo Lab at 4538 Indianola, Ave in Columbus, Ohio and see our selection of used gear. We nearly always have some Marantz, Sansui and Pioneer in stock. All of our gear has been serviced by a pro, and carries a 90 day warranty (if purchased in store).